Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Things I don’t care about

1. Who won the Super Bowl or World Series or NBA play offs.

2. Having a smart phone.

3. Always wearing make-up.

4. Designer shoes (designer anything really).

5. Driving a fancy car.

6. My daughter’s outfit not matching at all.

7. Eating organic food.

8. Being trendy.

9. Getting a hair cut more than twice a year.

10. Having a spotless house all the time.

11. Having super powers.

12. Being super skinny.

13. My kids being really in to sports.

14. TV

15. Seeing movies in the theatre.

16. Big birthday parties.

17. Designer kids clothes.

18. Celebrities or their babies.

19. The Oscars, Grammy’s or any award show.

20. The Easter bunny.


  1. Good thing about #6 -- I don't know if she'd give you much say in the matter :-)

  2. I like this list. Except I somewhat care about numbers 2,3,and 14.

    And I especially agree with 18. :)

  3. I agree with everything you have listed, although 11 would be nice.
