Sunday, January 15, 2012

Exciting things in my life lately

1. I successfully made rolls with my new Bosch mixer. They were a big hit.

2. My freezer’s ice machine no longer spits out blue gogurt chunks when you put ice in your cup.

3. I got to watch Stephen win his first grade spelling bee. The winning word was sparkle.

4. I put batteries in the clock in the hutch in my living room that has not been working in several years. It is no longer always 11:30.

5. I made delicious brown cow drinks in my ice cream machine.

6. I think I have settled on colors for the new king size quilt I am going to commission my mother-in-law to make for my bed. I want a quilt that is big enough to hang over the sides of my king size bed.

7. William actual sat on my lap long enough to to fall asleep today. He never does this and I love holding sleeping babies.

8. I am about half way through naming and organizing all the pictures on my computer.

9. I got to touch a really big alive snake at the Monte L. Bean Museum.

10. I discovered the Marketfresh green beans Wal Mart sells in there produce section. They come in a bag and are fresh and taste so good.

11. I made an impressive (at least impressive to a 3 year old) Lightning McQueen birthday cake as well as a chocolate cake with a picture of an apple on it.


12. I have gotten back into the groove of personal scripture study.

13. I got my annual hair cut and realized again that I should probably get haircuts more often.

14. I discovered kettle bells and have began working out regularly.

15. I read Darcy’s most updated version of her book and can’t wait to see how it all ties together.

It has been a good few weeks. What have you done that was cool lately?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Say Lettuce

I don’t have very many good picture of Michael and I. Mom took this one of us while we were visiting for Christmas. I really like it so I thought I would share.


I just realized that I can make pictures bigger after I put them in the post. Cool.

Organization bug

I really like to organize and put things in order. Whenever I go to my mom’s house she has me organize the canned food in her pantry. I am not however, especially good at keeping things organized. So I go through cycles. Organize, slowly build up clutter and get unorganized and then purge and reorganization.

The last few months I was in the build up clutter and get unorganized part of the cycle. I knew something was going to have to be done about it especially after trying to find homes for new Christmas presents.

So when we got home from Moses Lake for Christmas I went on an organization and stuff purging binge. I started with the game cupboard and got rid of a big box full of games and puzzles we never used anymore to make room for a few new games we got for Christmas.

I also cleaned out my bedroom closet, Kathryn’s closet, the dining room closet (which I suppose is a weird place for a closet) and most notably the kitchen. Instead of watching TV or reading after we put the kids to bed I have been cleaning things out (Michael has been helping too.) I have a few areas I want to clean out but I think so far I have been very successful.


Here is one example. It would be much more impressive if I had remembered to take a before picture. You will just have to trust me that it is a vast improvement.


This is the area above my cupboards in my kitchen. It used to be full of stuff; vases, Halloween candy pails, otter pops, big bowls, ice cube trays, etc. I was able to get rid of a enough stuff and move things around enough to get everything off the top of my cupboards except for my biggest stainless steel bowl and a breakfast tray that won’t fit in my cupboards. Having all the empty space up there makes my kitchen look very white. I think I am going to but something decorative up there.

Last night I brought six boxes of stuff, a TV and a computer monitor to our Relief Societies bring and take table. All of it came from reorganizing my house. The best part was that anything nobody wanted got taken to the DI, so I don’t have to have it around anymore.