Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mud Run

Way back in the spring my awesome friend Amanda asked me to sign up to do a mud run with her. For those of you not familiar with mud runs they are basically a regular run (the one we did was a 5k) with a bunch of muddy obstacles thrown in.

I had been looking forward to the mud run all summer long. Mostly because as adults we don’t get many chances to play in mud. The particular mud run that we chose was called Kiss Me Dirty and was an all women mud run. Mud runs tend to attract a different group of people than your typical 5k. It really isn’t about speed at all so get a lot of people who would never want to do a normal 5k running in a mud run.

Shortly after we signed up Amanda said we needed to make some sort of costume. I thought it would be fun to stand out a bit from the crowd but it ended up that there were more people in costume than not.100_2495

It is hard to tell from this picture but we had capes on as well as knee high striped socks. We are the ones in the middle with the yellow shirts.


Crawling through a mud pit.


In the soap suds at the finish line.


We got pretty muddy but there were people even muddier. Overall it was a very fun run.

Kathryn and Parker were pretty jealous that we got to get completely muddy. Stephen was glad he didn’t have to get muddy. Amanda had a waterproof camera with her we used to to take pictures during the race. But it was a film camera and I don’t know if the pictures are developed yet.

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