Monday, February 6, 2012


I have known about Goodreads for a long time. I like the idea of keeping track of books you have read and getting recommendations based on what you have already read and what your friends like. I have been relunctant because like facebook, and pinterest, it is one more than that become a time sucker. However I have been getting a lot of recommendations from friends of books to read lately and I couldn't remember them all. So I decided to try it and got an account today. After spending about 15 minutes putting books that I have read in and setting my preferences I already have 22 books on my to-read list. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

I love reading and I do a lot of it. I read to gain learn things and just for entertainment. I would rather read a really good book than watch a really good movie. But that doesn't mean that I can't waste time by reading. It is important to be able to put a book down and do things like, cleaning the kitchen and playing pillow plop with kids.

I am hoping that having an actual list of books that I want to read will be a good thing. Theoretically ( it took me a few minutes to decide if I spelled that right, it still looks funny to me) I can spend time reading only books that I really want to instead of just what happens to be in at the library. Or I could spend all my time trying to read all the books on my never ending list and not get other important things done.

Here's hoping that I use my list wisely and that goodreads turns out to be a time saver and not a time sucker.

And if you want you can be my friend on goodreads.


  1. We got a 6 ft monster sac (like a giant bean bag) for Christmas. Pillow plop is when you pick a kid up and toss them on the monster sac. They all love it and will play until I am exhuasted.
