You know that one movie that movie that made you cry and the main character died at the end? I didn’t watch it. I still haven’t seen Episode 3 of Star Wars because I know Anakin is going to turn into Darth Vader.
Growing up my mom sometimes called me her Pollyanna. I prefer to look on the bright side of things. Life is much more enjoyable for me when I look forward to all the wonderful things in life and try not to dwell on the negative.
Even though I am an eternal optimist I know life isn’t always perfect and that people have gone through horrible things I couldn’t even imagine. Life is full of struggles and trials that I will have to deal with. Hopefully I will come through a better person and help other people a long the way. Some of my favorite books and stories are ones about people enduring and over coming great difficulties. These are the types of sad stories I like to read and sad movies I enjoy watching.
Stories about people overcoming amazing things or sacrificing to save others. If I am going to cry in a movie I want it to be for a good reason not because a teenager killed themselves because they thought thought their one true love had died.
One of my all time favorite books is Mrs. Mike. It is the story about a young women who moves to Canada to live with her uncle and hopefully improve her delicate health. She ends up falling in love with a Mountie and living in the Canadian wilderness. Her life is not easy and there are several parts in the book that make me teary. But the story isn’t about how hard her life is, it is about how she overcomes hardships and becomes a happier, stronger person because of it.
The Great Escape will be my movie example. It is based on the true story of a mass escape from Stalag Luft III, a prisoner of war camp in Poland during World War II. While many of the men in the movie die, they die fighting for what they believe is good and right.
Stories like To Kill a Mocking Bird, The Diary of Anne Frank, The Giving Tree, Charlotte’s Webb, and The Scarlet Letter all have something in common. They are not sad just for the sake of being sad. They are the stories of overcoming challenges. They stories of triumph of good over evil. They are stories of people choosing to do the right thing even if it means being persecuted or even loosing their life. These stories remind me that while some times the story of a person’s life seems to be a tragedy if you keep an eternal perspective you can know that it will have a happy ending.
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